Friday, 14 September 2012

Long Nights & Shadows

Ok, so we might just have seen the last of summer. But on the plus side that means it's time for long candlelit evenings and possibly even a bit of late night story telling.

So with that in mind I've recently been working on some new paper-cut ideas.

Following on with my minor obsession of all things circus, I have made a small collection of circus characters for you to put on your own little show. I will be adding to these so please watch this space!
The paper-cut shadow puppets and paper-cut lanterns are available from my Etsy shop or through my website  just click on the shop tab.

I will be running some paper-cut workshops at Norwich Arts Centre. Dates are Sat 29th Set, Sat 3rd and 24th November (early booking is advised due to limited spaces) Please go to to book a space.
Mermaid Aerialist Shadow Puppet

Circus Man Shadow Puppet

Circus Tent Shadow Puppet

Circus Zebra Shadow Puppet

Japanese Flowers - Paper Lantern

Little House - Paper Lantern

Trees - Paper Lantern

Kissing Zebras - Paper Lantern